Поддерживаемые процессоры: Intel / AMD
Поддерживаемые системы: Windows 10, 11 (версии до 23H2)
- Enable
- Vector aimbot
- Silent aimbot
- Switch target
- Fov
- Smooth
- Visible check
- Drav fov
- Drav crosshair
- Dram ammo count
- 3D box
- Corner box
- Visible
- Name
- Distance
- Weapon
- Ammo
- Skeleton
- Level
- Price
- K/D ratio
- Health bar
- Chams
- Max distance
- Name K/D Price - parsing with online raid and sort for Price hight
- [Containers / Corpses / Items ]
- Price for Containers Corpses Items
- Distance for Containers Corpses Items
- Keys
- Barter
- Containers
- Provisions
- Gear
- Meds
- Sights
- Suppressors
- WeaponAmmo
- Magazines
- Tactical devices
- Weapon parts
- Special equipment
- Maps
Type #1 Categories & Prices
(fully customizate with colorpicker and prices)
Type #2 Custom
Custom loot filt with search field
Type #3 Price & Custom
include type 1 + type 2
- No recoil
- No sway
- Instant ADS
- Fast mag load/unload
- Loot throught walls
- Infinity stamina
- Infinity oxygen
- Disable visor
- Hight jump
- Instant search
- Instant examine
- Multi search
- Thermal vision
- Speed hack [x1.8]
- Exfiltrations
- Grenades [ HE/Smoke]
- Day time changer hours [ 0-24 ]
- Battle mod
- Aimbot
- Speed hack
- Thermal vision
- Menu
- Panic
- Unload
- Battle mod
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